Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
Apologies, it was Beatrix hanging out with the kids, Beau just dropped in then took off again ...

The Peregrine Chick:
The wind is much lighter today and 3 of the kids are a wandering about on the roof, exploring under the nestbox and the area immediately around the box.  Beau is parked on the roof just keeping an eye on those still (1 came back to nap) in the box and the little wanderers.

The Peregrine Chick:
Your question was a good one Burdi, so no worries.   :)
And it would be nice if there was a one answer fits all sites but there isn't and the only way to figure out what could/does work best is to work through scenarios.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 07, 2014, 12:50 ---
--- Quote from: burdi on July 07, 2014, 05:02 ---Just wondering... with this being a very windy location, would it help to add something they can grip on around the edge of their nestbox roof? Perhaps similar to the little strips on the ramp in Brandon?

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But we will see what if anything might work and what/how we could keep it in place.

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Thanks TPC, your explanation was very helpful. I see there is much to consider before proceeding with changes of any type.

Sorry I wasn’t clear, but initially when I read your post regarding Beau I knew he was just fine. My concern was for the safety of these birds during much higher winds, especially since the wind that caused Beau to lose his balance was only 25 gusting to 40 near ground level.

However I probably shouldn’t worry too much as it sounds like there are several other perches available within this setup, so these chicks may find something preferable to the top of their nesting box. Also, I suppose they might spend much of their time playing on the roof.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: burdi on July 07, 2014, 05:02 ---Just wondering... with this being a very windy location, would it help to add something they can grip on around the edge of their nestbox roof? Perhaps similar to the little strips on the ramp in Brandon?

--- End quote ---

We'll need to look at it - because the site is so windy we have to make sure whatever we put on, will stay on in all sorts of weather - even little things flying off a roof can cause damage to people, property, etc.  And to be fair, mostly the adults don't use the roof if it is windy, they sit on the roof walls, the box ledge, a couple of nearby supports, my observation was really just to illustrate how much stronger the wind was in WW than at the Radisson at that time.  Beau didn't even notice it, he just hopped back to where he wanted to be and aligned himself more aerodynamically in the wind and hey presto, no more problem with the wind.

As for the strips, not sure they will work in this case - remember that peregrines have long curved talons so when they stand on something, their talons make the tips of their "toes" upwards, so no like humans using strips to walk up.  The strips in Brandon was something we added but not really of much use in the end - the West Winnipeg chicks have a ramp that is on a much steeper incline and goes 2 or 3 times higher than the ramp into the Brandon box.  Didn't take the WW chicks more than about 10 minutes to figure out they could walk back into the nestbox once the first two went walkabout - no strips or treads or carpetting on that ramp, just plain wood.  But we will see what if anything might work and what/how we could keep it in place.


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