Author Topic: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily  (Read 29846 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2011, 19:53 »
I have been reading the daily research blog updates at the NABC website and for the past week, the big concern is the protection of radio-collared bears. Apparently, Minnesota state legislators have denied  requests by the NABC to put forth a bill to protect radio-collared black bears from being shot by hunters.  >:( These radio-collared bears are a big part of many decades of research and this past year alone, NABC has lost 2 of it's radio-collared bears.  :'( :'( A Department of Natural Resources biologist has indicated that he has lost 9 of his radio-collared bears in the past year.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

My Kinderchicklets and myself have learned so much about black bears since we began watching this webcam and reading the research updates. It is indeed very sad to think that there is no legislation in Minnesota to protect bears such as Lily & Hope from being shot by hunters.  :(

If you are interested in signing your name to a petition to encourage Minnesota state legislators to protect these bears, please click on the link below...

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2011, 19:58 »
Apparently, the cubs eyes were observed to be opening yesterday.  :)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2011, 12:58 »
The new cubs have been named "Faith" and "Jason". An annonymous Lily fan who had been randomly chosen to pick 2 names, recruited the help of her 7 yr. old grandson, who had the following insights...

"Faith is the faith that the learning and love of the bears will go on and on and since you can't name a boy Love, Jason is the next best thing because he shows love in all he does."

Apparently, Jason is the name of one of the men who works for Team Bear, repairing the den cams and microphone cables, etc. etc. It sounds as if he's kind of like our very own Eye-Spy, here in Winnipeg! ;D

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2011, 13:20 »
According to the website, 2213 Lily fans submitted cub names in the Name the Cubs Contest. Then, a short list of the 3 most popular male names and the 3 most popular female names was compiled. Next, one of the 2213 fans will be drawn and given the task of choosing from the short list. Monday night the chosen names will be announced! :D

Offline susha

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2011, 11:04 »
Isn't it fun to see these babies grow!  :-* And I love to watch the interactions between Hope and her baby siblings.  She's gentle and sweet with them :-*

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2011, 11:00 »
According to the most recent website blogs, it has definitely been confirmed that Lily's 2 new cubs are a male & a female. So the naming process has begun. Lily fans can submit names up until noon this morning, I think.

Here is a post from the website, if you are thinking of submitting a name...

We thought about a nice name to go along with the theme of Hope, but then thought about Hope being special and having the only name that diverges from the naming theme of this lineage—bear foods.

Lily is named after the Calla Lily that is so beautiful and white. Lily’s light face helped inspire that name for her. Lily’s brother is Cal, also in the Calla Lily theme. Her other brother is Bud, named after rosebuds. The calla lily is a major bear food. It grows in marshes and the leaves remains succulent all spring, summer, and fall. That means many of the nutrients are in a digestible fluid form. Bears stop eating blueberries sometimes to go down in marshes to eat these green leaves. It’s amazing, too, because the leaves contain oxalic acid crystals that cause human mucosa to swell and become irritated. Somehow bears tolerate the crystals. Wild calla (Calla palustris) is one of the favored greens in the forest. Bears only occasionally eat rosebuds.

Lily’s mother is named June, full name Juneberry, a favorite berry in early summer. Lily’s aunt was Hazel, which produces the most abundant nut of this region. It is one of the very top bear foods. A good hazelnut crop means females will get fat, stay out of trouble, and have good cub production the ensuing winter. In years of abundant hazelnuts, people wonder where all the bears went.

The female in June’s most recent litter was Jewel, short for Jewelweed, another favorite green. Also called Touch-me-not, it grows in damp soil. It is one of the few greens, like wild calla, that they eat in spring, summer, and fall.

Here’s a list of local bear foods in case it stimulates creativity in continuing the naming theme for this lineage...

3-leaf Solomon seal cow wheat pincherry
acorn cranberry raspberry
alder cones dandelion raspberry
alder-leaf buckthorn dewberry red maple
American fly honeysuckle downy arrowwood red osier dogwood
ants fawn red pine
ash fomes fungus rose
aspen goatsbeard round-leaf dogwood
bald-faced hornet gooseberry snowberry
bedstraw grass snowfleas
bilberry grub strawberry
birch hawkweed sweet early coltsfoot
bird hawthorne tent caterpillar
blueberry hazelnut vetch
bull thistle hazelnut violets
bumblebee highbush cranberry water parsnip
bunchberry horsetail wild calla
carrion interrupted fern wild lettuce
caterpillar (Sphinx?) jewelweed leaf wild sarsaparilla
catkins June beetle grubs wild sarsaparilla
cattail juneberry willow
chokecherry large-leaf aster leaf woolgrass
clintonia mountain ash wooly aphid
clover peavine leaf yellow jacket

Offline susha

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2011, 21:05 »
It must be so much fun to watch the cub action with your chicklets, KC!  I haven't been able to check in on these guys for a couple of days and just watched the little videos of the family on Youtube :o  They are all so beautiful I could hardly stand it!  Lily is so calm, Hope so attentive and the babies so cute!  

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2011, 13:47 »
The Kinderchicklets were thrilled to be able to witness lots of loud noises and action in Lily & Hope's bear den this morning! :D They especially enjoyed the squealing sounds coming from the cubs, when they wanted to nurse. Some of the 'chicklets remarked that they sounded alot like squealing piglets! 8) And one little boy remarked that Lily looked as big as a house, when she stuck her snout outside the bear den to munch on some snow! :o

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2011, 12:14 »
I have been reading the daily research blog updates and yesterday, it was determined that one of Lily's newborn bear cubs is a female. :) They were able to determine this by the colour of the cub, females being darker in colour than males. In addition, the fact that the wee cub flashed her "privates" at the camera, gave them a pretty good idea too! ;) They think that the other cub is probably a male, because of it's colour, but won't know for certain till he/she flashes! ;D LOL!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2011, 13:22 »
A few of the Kinderchicklets were very excited to hear some moaning in the den and to see a baby bear this morning! :D

Offline susha

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2011, 20:05 »
Just tuned in today and all is quiet now, but I heard lots of crying on Saturday.  I thought they sounded like human babies as well :o  This cam will be fun to watch once the cubs get older and are moving around.   ;D

Offline Kinderchick

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Black Bears - Minnesota / NABC (Lily)
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2011, 18:58 »
Lots of squealing coming from the black bear den this afternoon! Sounded alot like the cries of human babies! :o I didn't know that baby bear cubs could cry like that! It must have been feeding time! :o

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2011, 21:11 »
OMG! :o Lily gave birth to 2 bear cubs yesterday?! :o My Kinderchicklets were watching the den nearly all morning yesterday and we didn't even realize there were more babies in there, along with Hope! :o Thanks for letting us know, susha! :-* Won't the 'chicklets be excited when I tell them on Monday morning! ;D 8)

Offline susha

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2011, 17:23 »
These are very exciting days for Lily and Hope fans.  Lily has just given birth (yesterday) to two cubs.  Hope is quietly and supportively looking on as Lily keeps the babies warm against the harsh winter temps in Minnesota.  Occasionally, viewers can hear the delightful squeals of the new babies as well as their interesting humming sounds when they suckle.  I just had a glimpse of one of the newborns when Lily adjusted her position in the den, with Hope looking on.  'Twas a very exciting moment!! :o  Glad I happened to have my eyes on the website at the right time!! :-* :-*

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Re: Black Bears - Minnesota / Lily (2011)
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 14:14 »
Yikes! :o "Lily" is awake and is moving around in her den right now! She is even giving baby "Hope" a grooming right now! 8)