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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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...just like a ride at the Ex...

lol Jadoo, now you're gonna get Loriann going. hold on tight ;D ;D

Centre of the universe???  I always heard it referred to as the "Navel of the Universe"...


--- Quote from: Loriann on June 11, 2009, 12:52 ---BECAUSE TORONTO IS THE CENTRE OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE !   ;D

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Pchemist on June 11, 2009, 12:58 ---no, Loriann.  As my father and de-facto can tell you, it's all about me.   ;D

always.  unless it's about my mother.  and even on mother's day I managed to make it all about me.   8)  (that was one funny card!)

--- End quote ---
I was born in TO, lived there till I was 13 then moved here- the best thing that ever happened to me. ( well, there's others but Heidi gives me the willies ) :-X
Girls were no -count in my family so it was never about me.
( hey, why does TPC think we are having beverages, it's only 2 pm for gawds sake.)

The Peregrine Chick:
Heidi and I are doing some redecorating ....

Hold on to your beverages folks we are relocating to the Technical Questions thread and if there is already a "time" or "clock" thread, we will be merging ....

Number One, make it so ...


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