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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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Under Modify Profile, all it says is 'Account Related Settings' - there is no Look & Layout anywhere?  :(

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: ballywing on March 31, 2010, 18:51 ---Ack.!!...But there is nothing that says Look & Layout in my Profile - and there is nowhere that I can put a + or change anything??  :'(

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1. Profile
2. under Modify Profile (its onthe left hand side)
3. click on Look and Layout Preferences.
4. where it says Time Offset - click on auto-detect.

The forum time has been set to Winnipeg time, so the auto-detect link should check your time against the forum time.

If you do still have problems, let me know, I can manually change your time but its easier if you do it as you should check it when we go on/off Daylight Savings just to be sure.


--- Quote from: ballywing on March 31, 2010, 18:53 ---Will do, merci buckets bccs! :D

--- End quote ---

Will do, merci buckets bccs! :D

Hmmm, I've heard of that before, best to give tracy a pm, something on her end I think.


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