Two birdies at the site today ... perfect day for rooftop work - warm not hot, bit of a light breeze that didn't interfere with anything and sunny. We took the pigeon cover off the nestbox and the pair canoodled right above us ... well, way above us but above us nonetheless. From what we could see not Alice or Zeus this year. From peering at the little screen on Dennis' camera, looks like an unbanded male and a banded Canadian female. They had all the right moves so here's hoping.
And there was a nest of three (I believe) raven chicks and a very attentive pair of parents. The peregrines were canoodling right over their heads too which I don't think inspired them to think more kindly of their raptor neighbours. The raven chicks are well grown and depending on when/if this pair starts laying eggs (I think in about two weeks minimum based on some information from one of the workers on-site but we'll have to see) the raven chicks may well be fledging as eggs are laid or in the first little bit of incubation.
And yes, Dennis has photos and maybe we might be able to identify the female, but we will have to wait and see. The female was not being highly appreciative of Dennis' presence and desire to photograph her, but he did manage to get a glimpse or two I believe.