Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2013 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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storms can be delaying them. I think it all depends on when they started home. Some got through before bad weather and I think some are holed up waiting

1015 hours
 Nothing new, Pigeon in the Nest Box :(

Thanks, it makes sense. Ya' learn something new every day. I guess pigeons seem so common that I hadn't really thought about their origins much.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: birdcamfan on April 02, 2013, 17:08 ---I thought that pigeons were as common as mosquitoes in Manitoba. Are there areas of Manitoba that don't have pigeons? (I mean south of the lakes)

--- End quote ---

Pigeons are an introduced species and primarily live near human activities - buildings, transportation (grain elevators), large institutions that have lots of connected buildings are great because they have lots of nooks and crannies and usually have industrial air intake/exhaust which makes it easy for them to survive in large numbers through our winters.  If I'm not mistaken, other than in urban areas, pigeons in Manitoba aren't found north of the agricultural area of the province, so about as far north as Ashern I think.

Hope that answers your question BCF ...

I thought that pigeons were as common as mosquitoes in Manitoba. Are there areas of Manitoba that don't have pigeons? (I mean south of the lakes)


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