Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2013 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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The Peregrine Chick:
Chronology for this morning if you missed the action ...

* 0441h - first breakfast, not everyone was hungry
* tumble-play, wingercizing and a bit of sprawling
* 0528h - second breakfast - explains why they didn't settle after FB
* 0551h - after more wingercizing, everyone sprawled in their own corner
* 0900h - everyone sprawled along the east (front) edge of the box - hard to tell where one ends and the next begins
* 0908h - happy sprawl over, third breakfast arrives courtesy of Brooklyn - Hurricane arrives and both the adults leave together and the chicks pick over the leftovers
* 0942h - Brooklyn returns, hangs out in the box with the kids, sometimes in the shade, sometimes being the shade - same thing is going on at the Radisson - guess the parents do have access to the weather report!

Weather forecast for today/tonight ...

Day - Partly cloudy. High of 29C. Winds less than 5 km/h.
Night - Partly cloudy. Low of 16C. Winds from the SSW at 5 to 10 km/h.

It's 25°c now and it's supposed to be 31°c today, these guys are already hot and panting.

Brooklyn has been hanging out in the nest box with the chicks this morning.  He tried to feed them earlier but Hurrricane showed up and he left, but he's back now.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: RCF on July 01, 2013, 23:42 ---
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 01, 2013, 21:58 ---We will be banding the McKenzie Seeds chicks on Friday, July 5th.  Time to be confirmed but at this point, I think about 11am.  Will post and confirm the time on Wednesday when I have been able to touch base will everyone participating.

--- End quote ---

Is there going to be live streaming of the banding like last year?

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That is the plan and I say "plan" because there is a small possibility that Eye-Spy will not be able to join us.  For those of you who are new, Eye-Spy is responsible for all the cams on the nests and for filming the bandings.  If he can't attend, he plans to provide us with instructions that hopefully won't be beyond our collective technical skills.  As a last resort, we may have to tape it then convert it and make it available through the CBC website after the fact.  Given all those options, excellent and well-thought-out as they may be, we are still hoping Eye-Spy will be there so there won't be any problems.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 01, 2013, 21:58 ---We will be banding the McKenzie Seeds chicks on Friday, July 5th.  Time to be confirmed but at this point, I think about 11am.  Will post and confirm the time on Wednesday when I have been able to touch base will everyone participating.

--- End quote ---

Is there going to be live streaming of the banding like last year?


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