Thanks RCF for the photos ... the most likely answer is that yes, it is Alice you saw on the Scotia Bank building by McKenzie Seeds, however (sorry), I can't be 100% sure. The numbers/letters on the band are clearly visible (you did very well considering the distance you were shooting from!) but it seems to me that the digits look more rounded than Alice's band number - her band number is 16/K - so the 6 is rounded but the K on the red isn't. Could very easily just be crap stuck to the band - feathers, scratches, whatever - or it could be another bird. We did have 3 unidentified birds at the Tower site this year - the male with Alice and the earlier pair - any or all of them could have been from south of the border technically.
Having said that, given the time of the year and the location, I daresay it is Alice, just can't say 100% sure from the photos. Might even be that the bird we saw a week ago wasn't Hurricane - the bird we saw was in exactly the same location so we will have to go through Dennis' photos very carefully. It was definitely Alice at the Tower site when we were there but I haven't seen bands on the bird we saw on the Scotia Bank building.
It may also be that like the Radisson site, the McKenzie Seeds site will be the most coveted nestsite in Brandon and when the resident pair leave, the Tower pair can come down and visit - unfortunately with the camera equipment in my living room, no way to check out the nestbox like I was today at the Radisson, so I'm afraid you are our lone eyes (and camera) in Brandon right now RCF and we may not manage to conclusively solve this mystery before the little beggars, oops, darlings, bolt from the province ...
... can't wait to hear who you spot where tomorrow!! Saturday looks nice as well