Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
As I mentioned in the Brandon Tower thread, migration is underway for our birds - one of the West Winnipeg girls was tracked over Kansas last week - that is too far south for a little autumn adventure, she is on her way. I wasn't going to post until I had information on who it is. The bird started heading south from north of Winnipeg so I'm assuming it's La Peregrina because she was the one still in the province, but Andamooka could have returned from the US for a last visit ... so have requested more information. Because we were talking migration on the Tower thread and I mentioned the WW chick, I figured I had better post what little I had heard here too.
When I get proper information I will post it.
Both Beau and Jules were on the east side of the Diner today at about 3:45 p.m.
--- Quote from: Cooper on September 26, 2013, 12:21 ---Just our lonely Beau at the diner yesterday and today. East side letters Wednesday evening and early this morning.
--- End quote ---
It's nice that you are still seeing at least Beau. :) I don't really know how long the west Winnipeg birds stay before they decide to migrate. Last year Sept 21st was the last time I saw Brooklyn and Hurricane was here until the 2nd of October. Brooklyn seems to be staying a bit longer this year, but he was back a week later than he was in 2012.
Just our lonely Beau at the diner yesterday and today. East side letters Wednesday evening and early this morning.
Morning gloom would certainly be brightened by seeing these two.
You must have very good vision, Cooper.
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