Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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Thanks for this info, dupre & TPC. I do remember a "tuppernest" being placed in this spot a few years ago, but I just assumed that it had been removed afterwards, so as not to encourage the birds to nest there again.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: dupre501 on April 26, 2013, 20:40 ---Hi Kinderchick,

If memory serves me, a Tuppernest was installed in 2011. At the time of installation they had laid four eggs, two of which were damaged, which TPC removed and two were put into the tuppernest. Both hatched that year but one did not survive 24 hours, the other was banded and named "Polo" (like Solo, because he was alone). I don't recall that the tuppernest was ever removed.

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No it wasn't.  Because we have so much difficulty accessing the site, we leave it there just in case.  If we can get on-site and block them great, if we can't then at least we can help the birds out a little bit.  Sometimes, little things are all we can do in difficult situations.

Hi Kinderchick,

If memory serves me, a Tuppernest was installed in 2011. At the time of installation they had laid four eggs, two of which were damaged, which TPC removed and two were put into the tuppernest. Both hatched that year but one did not survive 24 hours, the other was banded and named "Polo" (like Solo, because he was alone). I don't recall that the tuppernest was ever removed.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 26, 2013, 16:21 ---Though I can't see into the tuppernest clearly, some of the female's behaviour today looks like she is laying or starting to think about incubating...
--- End quote ---
Well, that's welcome news to me. I don't recall there being a "tuppernest" here. Good to know. :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Though I can't see into the tuppernest clearly, some of the female's behaviour today looks like she is laying or starting to think about incubating.  Another 24 hours of observations and it should confirm the likelihood of eggs if not the onset of incubation.

When it's confirmed, we can start working on getting access for banding ...


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