Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
Chicks diddy-bopped into view a few times overnight and this morning and they all look great - fuzzy white like the McKenzie Seeds chicks (though drier) with just the start of flight feathers showing, less than the Radisson chicks though since they are a few days younger.  They are roaming as well, 1/3 of the time I can't see any of them or any parts of them the rest of the time I can see a foot or a body or whole bodies but they are roaming like the Radisson chicks are.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: dupre501 on June 21, 2013, 10:21 ---I know that the chicks here have some overhead shelter, and the water probably doesn't pool much here, but how did the chicks do last night in the storm. I live just across the river from them and we received 3 inches of rain, most during less than 2 hours. 
--- End quote ---

There are lots of hidey holes for them and they didn't even get damp ... neither did the parents ... only good thing about this site

I know that the chicks here have some overhead shelter, and the water probably doesn't pool much here, but how did the chicks do last night in the storm. I live just across the river from them and we received 3 inches of rain, most during less than 2 hours.

The Peregrine Chick:
Little terrors have more places to hide out-of-camera range than within camera range!!  Know all three are fine though because they all popped into view yesterday evening just after 1830h.  They were in camera range more last night and look to be a bit more active at night than during the day, but that is based on one night's post-escape viewing, so we'll have to see over the next little while ...

The Peregrine Chick:
Since the chicks went over the tuppernest wall yesterday afternoon, I have only been able to track the adults and a couple of times little peeks at chicks.  As they get more mobile over the next couple of days hopefully I will see more of them.  One adult seems to near/with them at all times so that is at least a comforting thought ... until I see all three of them on camera again though, well, I'll just have to be patient ...


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