Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2013 / Ivy & Princess

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The Peregrine Chick:
The rain has arrived in Winnipeg but it isn't heavy ... still wet though  ;)

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: moka on May 18, 2013, 13:25 ---TPC, so many details to be taken care of. Second guessing these birds seems to be getting more complex rather than easier.

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New birds are fun but new birds means we can't guess what they will do/how they will react, which is fun as well so long as they don't  insist on making iffy choices ... but, Jules isn't a new bird and her major choice is constantly iffy!!  This year we got a mix of new and old birds so its not been too bad despite our concern about Cowboy and Joli, but that's not entirely new, we've been watching them closely since Cowboy turned up with Kate in 2011.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Rose on May 18, 2013, 13:25 ---If anything untoward was going on, is there anything you could do to intervene or would you just have to stand by and watch and leave nature to take its course (in spite of having 5 cameras)? 
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That would depend on what is going on Rose.   We have installed the tuppernest in a spot we know they have been considering in the hope that ups its kerb appeal so they will not decide to stray further afield.   We are keeping an eye on all the places we can - in-person and via camera to monitor what the birds are up to - more information will help us figure out what we need to watch out for and help us to identify what we need/can do.  If you are asking if we can stop the peregrines if they start fighting, the answer is no.  It's why we try to ensure there is space between nestsites if we can pull it off.  But fighting is pretty extreme even for peregrines, way too easy to get hurt and that is not something they court willingly.

So we keep watching on-site and on-camera (and running through the recordings) so if there is something we need/can do, we do it.

Does that answer your question?

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: bcbird on May 18, 2013, 12:37 ---Does Princess spend any time at the nestbox, defending or otherwise? 

Or, are her maternal instincts narrowing her focus to protect only the current nesting site?

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If I've made it sound like the Radisson eggs/chicks are in imminent danger, sorry about that, so far as we can tell, the nest is safe.  And life on the nestledge seems to be proceeding as per normal.  Princess has always done most of the incubating/brooding and that seems to be the case again this year.   Because Cowboy and Joli look to want to nest this year (unlike last year) and HSC is within the Radisson territory and because there is/was another pair hanging out from time to time near Pam's place, Ivy is spending more time this year making sure his nestsite remains his and Princess'.   Part of doing that we've been watching at the west-side nestbox.  As soon as Cowboy and Joli get on eggs or abandon the idea of nesting this year, it should get a little quieter because they will be focussed on a smaller area around the nest and if the timing works out, the Radisson chicks will be fledging about the time any Cowboy/Joli eggs would be hatching and that might keep tensions lower ....

... but we will have to wait and see what happens ...

TPC, so many details to be taken care of. Second guessing these birds seems to be getting more complex rather than easier.


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