Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Bell Tower - 2012-17

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--- Quote from: allikat on June 27, 2013, 19:53 ---Any news if the fourth chick was male or female?

--- End quote ---

I never read anywhere on their FB page or BCAW what the gender of the fourth chick is, sorry.

Any news if the fourth chick was male or female?

On June 25, 2013 the Bell Tower chicks were banded.

All three chicks are female. The fourth chick, which was removed from the nest shortly after hatching, is doing great and will be released later this summer on the Pembina river along with other juvenile peregrines, who will hopefully decide to return there in the next few years and repopulate the natural nesting cliffs. We will keep you updated as these chicks fledge in the next month.


soaring west:
thank You RCF for the pictures,




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