Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2012 / Mr X & Miracle

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The Peregrine Chick:
From today ....

Fargo Falcon Project July 17th Update: 

After some early difficulty, this year’s baby has transitioned successfully to the world of flight.   He appears to be thriving and the high risk period is now well behind us.  Because return visits to the nest are at most occasional and sporadic, we will be turning off the web camera this week. 

We look forward to next year, and have plans in mind to make the viewing experience even better. This season, thanks to the efforts of volunteers, and financial support from the community, the Fargo Falcon Cam received nearly 70,000 hits, from all 50 states, and 15 different countries(Canada, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Czech Republic, South Africa, United Kingdom, Japan, France, United Arab Emirates, China, Poland, Finland and India). Perhaps one of the highlights of the year was being able to use the FalconCam as an educational instrument for inner city kids through interactive video conferencing sessions.

Our future plans include adding sound, a better, more clearer picture, and more. None of this is possible without the ongoing contributions of individuals and organizations. Thank you for your interest and support.

The Peregrine Chick:
This was from this morning ...

At 6 AM this morning our wayward boy was back in the nest box.  As he got there on his own, assume his flight skills have improved and the high risk period is now behind us. 

The Peregrine Chick:
Update from Fargo ....

Our one baby left the nest late yesterday, and has since led an adventuresome life.  He first landing on Broadway in front of the Alerus Bank.  He was recovered by police (animal control) and taken to the top of the parking ramp by the Bank of the West.  He was still there this morning.  As it was not a safe location, we moved him to the roof of the Wells Fargo building, our time honored release site for grounded fledglings.  He was there for only minutes, and rather quickly worked his way back down to a different portion of the parking ramp.  Just completed a repeat of a trip to the rooftop.  He appears to be in perfect health, and obviously can fly.  Landings seem to be the problem.  Based on the one observed incident I have heard about, he tends to come in too low, hit the top of the wall, and then flutter down to whatever is below that point.  He is not the first young peregrine to  have this problem.  Most seem to quickly figure it out.  Hopefully this guy will too.  The adults are keeping a close eye on everything.

Newest Fargo falcon banded
Article and video at this link

They named the chick "National Champ".



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