Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange-River's Edge Church - 2012-19

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It seems likely that Algo and Polly are incubating eggs at the River's Edge Church. It is not possible to provide absolute confirmation, since the inside of the nest cannot be seen.

Observations during the past few days suggest that the peregrine falcons Algo and Polly have begun to incubate eggs in their nest at River's Edge Church. If everything goes well, the first signs of hatching could possibly be seen during the first week of June. This year's nesting is special, because it seems that Algo is splitting his time between two females at two different nests! It is unclear what impact this double life of Algo will have on this breeding season, in the event that this situation is confirmed.

In order not to make this article longer, I suppose that a peregrine falcon banded only on the left leg, and who interacts in a normal manner with Polly, is Algo. It has not been possible to confirm his identity beyond any doubt by reading his band.

This year, there is a new nest along the Lachine Canal, and this is the nest which may be Algo's second nest.

i am so happy P{olly has decided to come here and not challenge for eves nest. I really like Pollly

Latest update

On April 22, Algo took prey into the River's Edge nest. Polly came out of the nest with the prey, to eat it on the outside of the church. Algo came out again almost immediately (an indication that incubation had not yet begun), and watched Polly eating while having a conversation with her. Algo then went hunting for another prey for himself. After his meal, he had a meeting with Polly inside the nest. He then perched on a cross, where he remained until 8:30 p.m.

Updates on Algo and Polly

After the failure of their nesting attempt at the River's Edge Church last year, Algo and Polly had returned to the area of the Turcot Interchange by July.

This year, Algo was seen on February 21 and February 28, but then was not seen again.

On March 24, a new male was seen at the Turcot with Polly, and they appeared to be bonding.

Polly was seen at the River's Edge nest at least three times in the early part of April.

Algo's long absence had raised concerns that something might have happened to him, but on April 7, Algo was photographed at the River's Edge nest. In the following few days, both Algo and Polly were seen at the nest.

On April 16, a male who was not Algo was seen near Polly at River's Edge, and was even seen going into the nest. He appeared to be the new male from the Turcot.

Most recently, a male who appears to be Algo was seen going into the River's Edge nest. It would appear that Algo had decided to make an attempt to win Polly back.

The Peregrine Chick:
Okay folks, had a little look at the map of Montreal and was surprised at how close River's Edge Community Church is to the Turcot Interchange.  My fault entirely, for some reason I thought the church nestsite was much further away from the Interchange.  Shouldn't have made that assumption.  In Winnipeg, if you nest in the same territory, the name doesn't change.  The West Winnipeg birds have nested in 4 different locations in the territory and the Logan birds have nested in three different locations over the years. 

So, for the moment, I'm going to call this the Turcot-River's Edge site.  The birds have only nested at the Church for one year, will be interesting to see if they stick there or try their luck elsewhere.  Or if they don't return (knock on wood they both do!) then we will have to see if a new pair thinks as highly of the site. 


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