Author Topic: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange-River's Edge Church - 2012-19  (Read 15289 times)

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2019 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2019, 13:37 »
It seems likely that Algo and Polly are incubating eggs at the River's Edge Church. It is not possible to provide absolute confirmation, since the inside of the nest cannot be seen.

Observations during the past few days suggest that the peregrine falcons Algo and Polly have begun to incubate eggs in their nest at River's Edge Church. If everything goes well, the first signs of hatching could possibly be seen during the first week of June. This year's nesting is special, because it seems that Algo is splitting his time between two females at two different nests! It is unclear what impact this double life of Algo will have on this breeding season, in the event that this situation is confirmed.

In order not to make this article longer, I suppose that a peregrine falcon banded only on the left leg, and who interacts in a normal manner with Polly, is Algo. It has not been possible to confirm his identity beyond any doubt by reading his band.

This year, there is a new nest along the Lachine Canal, and this is the nest which may be Algo's second nest.

Offline bev.

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2019 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2019, 20:39 »
i am so happy P{olly has decided to come here and not challenge for eves nest. I really like Pollly

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2019 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2019, 23:42 »
Latest update

On April 22, Algo took prey into the River's Edge nest. Polly came out of the nest with the prey, to eat it on the outside of the church. Algo came out again almost immediately (an indication that incubation had not yet begun), and watched Polly eating while having a conversation with her. Algo then went hunting for another prey for himself. After his meal, he had a meeting with Polly inside the nest. He then perched on a cross, where he remained until 8:30 p.m.

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QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2019 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2019, 23:30 »
Updates on Algo and Polly

After the failure of their nesting attempt at the River's Edge Church last year, Algo and Polly had returned to the area of the Turcot Interchange by July.

This year, Algo was seen on February 21 and February 28, but then was not seen again.

On March 24, a new male was seen at the Turcot with Polly, and they appeared to be bonding.

Polly was seen at the River's Edge nest at least three times in the early part of April.

Algo's long absence had raised concerns that something might have happened to him, but on April 7, Algo was photographed at the River's Edge nest. In the following few days, both Algo and Polly were seen at the nest.

On April 16, a male who was not Algo was seen near Polly at River's Edge, and was even seen going into the nest. He appeared to be the new male from the Turcot.

Most recently, a male who appears to be Algo was seen going into the River's Edge nest. It would appear that Algo had decided to make an attempt to win Polly back.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot-River's Edge - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2018, 17:50 »
Okay folks, had a little look at the map of Montreal and was surprised at how close River's Edge Community Church is to the Turcot Interchange.  My fault entirely, for some reason I thought the church nestsite was much further away from the Interchange.  Shouldn't have made that assumption.  In Winnipeg, if you nest in the same territory, the name doesn't change.  The West Winnipeg birds have nested in 4 different locations in the territory and the Logan birds have nested in three different locations over the years. 

So, for the moment, I'm going to call this the Turcot-River's Edge site.  The birds have only nested at the Church for one year, will be interesting to see if they stick there or try their luck elsewhere.  Or if they don't return (knock on wood they both do!) then we will have to see if a new pair thinks as highly of the site. 

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2018, 12:18 »
An update on Polly and Algo dated July 6, which I translated from the French:

In spite of the intense heat of the last few days, a peregrine was present at the nest in the loft of the River's Edge Church yesterday morning. However, no clear sign of hatching has been observed. It is possible that the nest has failed, but that one of the falcons is still hoping that the eggs will hatch. Of course, no definite conclusion can be drawn while the falcons have not yet abandoned the nest (or a chick appears at the entrance . . .)

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2018, 00:18 »
Based on observations of their behaviour by watchers very knowledgeable about peregrines, it is believed that Polly and Algo are incubating eggs. If they are, it is thought that incubation would have begun some time after May 10. Timing for possible hatching would be between June 10 and June 21.

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2018, 21:02 »
Nice to see they have found a new place - and if the Church is okay with them nesting there then hopefully it won't take much convincing to get an upgrade in place perhaps even for next year.  (Now I'm going to have to google the church)

The people in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce are apparently very pleased to have Polly and Algo there. As far as I know, the church has no objection to their presence.

I think this new site could be a good one for them. It is a much quieter area than the Turcot Interchange. The church is located on the Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Antoine. It is not far from the métro stations of Vendôme and Villa-Maria, and is about 1.9 km from the Turcot Interchange.

Photos of the River's Edge Church, showing the nest site and two peregrines on the church. The second photo is by Marcel Pérez.


More information (in French).

Link to another photo of the church:
« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 21:07 by Alison »

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2018, 20:48 »
The interchange I believe is supposed to (at this time at least) be still under renovation until 2019.  Given that this pair are a bit of an institution, I would like to think that someone is making plans to put a box (or 3) back in place though to be honest, birds nesting that close to major roads gives me ulcers - we have a couple and I lose sleep when they are fledging. And yes, I've lost birds to traffic at all of these sites and hate it.

Yes, the Turcot Interchange is still under renovation until at least 2019. Polly and Algo were provided with a really good nest box in the general area of the Turcot some years ago, a box much iike the one at l'Université de Montréal, with carpeted areas and external perches, but they chose not to use the box. I am not aware of any plans to put a nest box in that area again. I agree, it is a very dangerous area for nesting. As I understand it, although the people in the area loved the birds, the powers that be do not want the birds back in the area. They do not like them, do not want them there and have wanted them gone for at least several years. I have seen this type of situation many times; as I said, it's the Pittsburgh Syndrome.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2018, 19:13 »
They finally abandoned the area of the Turcot Interchange. All potential nest sites in that area were deliberately blocked off to prevent them from remaining there. I call that the Pittsburgh Syndrome.

The interchange I believe is supposed to (at this time at least) be still under renovation until 2019.  Given that this pair are a bit of an institution, I would like to think that someone is making plans to put a box (or 3) back in place though to be honest, birds nesting that close to major roads gives me ulcers - we have a couple and I lose sleep when they are fledging. And yes, I've lost birds to traffic at all of these sites and hate it.

Polly and Algo are now residing at River's Edge Church in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. It is not possible to see whether they have eggs or chicks, but their behaviour would indicate it is fairly likely. Their new potential nest site at the church is a small, cramped area. If they stay, I would like to see a spacious nest box provided for them next year. 

Nice to see they have found a new place - and if the Church is okay with them nesting there then hopefully it won't take much convincing to get an upgrade in place perhaps even for next year.  (Now I'm going to have to google the church)

Thanks for keeping an eye on these two for us Alison!  :)

Offline burdi

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2018, 16:42 »
Thank you for the update on Algo & Polly, Alison.

Offline Alison

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2018, 15:44 »
Not often we have ?? for a location in the thread subject line!
I'm sure if Polly and Algo settle somewhere, someone will post a notice about it.

Okay, I will fill in the blank.

Polly and Algo are now residing at River's Edge Church in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. It is not possible to see whether they have eggs or chicks, but their behaviour would indicate it is fairly likely. Their new potential nest site at the church is a small, cramped area. If they stay, I would like to see a spacious nest box provided for them next year.

They finally abandoned the area of the Turcot Interchange. All potential nest sites in that area were deliberately blocked off to prevent them from remaining there. I call that the Pittsburgh Syndrome.

Photo by John Mahoney, Montreal Gazette.

The accompanying article:

And a video:

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2018, 13:26 »
Not often we have ?? for a location in the thread subject line!
I'm sure if Polly and Algo settle somewhere, someone will post a notice about it.

Offline Jazzerkins

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Re: QC / Montréal - River's Edge Church - 2018 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2018, 12:48 »

I hope that there will be a follow-up on this story to see where the Peregrine Falcon's nest this year.  Unfortunately, "progress" de-homes so many people/animals/birds.

Offline burdi

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Re: QC / Montreal - Turcot Interchange - 2017 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2017, 15:00 »
Love the CBC short documentaries and very much appreciated seeing Algo and Polly at the Turcot interchange. Thanks for sharing, TPC.

Offline bcbird

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2017 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2017, 23:29 »
That documentary was very moving to watch.  Thank you for posting it.
The photography of the peregrines is breathtakingly beautiful.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 23:31 by bcbird »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2017 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2017, 11:54 »
Algo, Polly & Turcot
CBC Short Docs video documentary

click on photo to view documentary

Two resilient peregrine falcons make their home amidst the chaos of urban development and gentrification in Saint-Henri, a Montreal borough in the midst of massive change.

Algo, Polly & Turcot is a fable about two peregrine falcons.

Algo and Polly have lived in Saint-Henri, a borough of Montreal, for five years. They live beneath the Turcot interchange, a massive highway structure that stands in the heart of Saint-Henri.

But the Turcot is set to be demolished, then reconstructed. The steamroller of urban development will inevitably squeeze the two peregrines out of Saint-Henri — and they’re not the only ones.

Algo and Polly’s story echoes the tale of some of the featherless residents of St. Henri. In the past, this was a buzzing, working-class neighbourhood, home to factory workers and their large families.

“When I started working, somebody said, ‘Oh you're from Saint-Henri. That's the slums,’” remembers one resident. Legendary comedian Yvon Deschamps, also originally from the neighbourhood, remarks, "We were poor in Saint-Henri, but we didn't know it."

Today, the neighbourhood of Deschamps’ youth is almost unrecognizable. “I don't have any friends that went to school with me that are still in the area. No, nobody,” says another resident.

Those who did stay are now surrounded by a new urban landscape: trendy barber shops and wine bars, cold pressed juice shops and luxury apartments. Algo, Polly & Turcot documents the rapid transformation of this working-class enclave into what it is today — an overpriced, posh hub for a new class of hipsters and urban professionals.

Flying above this changing cityscape are Algo and Polly, who are in just-as-precarious a position as these older human residents. As the Turcot interchange is torn down, piece by piece, their unavoidable fate closes in on them. On multiple occasions, the Ministry of Transportation has installed nesting boxes for the falcons in other locations, but Algo and Polly refuse to move. They’re making do with what’s left, moving into the last little hole that construction workers haven’t yet covered.

“I can’t do anything about it. Unless I move out,” a long-time Saint-Henri resident says. But Algo and Polly haven’t left. Against the cacophony of construction, against their forced expropriation, against all odds — Algo and Polly have remained.  Soaring above decaying buildings and luxury condos alike, they are the witnesses — and the symbols — of a city in flux.

youtube video:

Thank you to Dennis & Dennis' friend for passing along this story ... which lead to finding the story about Spirit as well ...

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QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2017 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2017, 11:48 »

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2012, 11:03 »
Thanks, RCF. Very sad to see Polly keeping vigil over her sick & dying juvenile. :'( There is speculation that it may have contracted trichomoniasis but are waiting for the necropsy results. I think that Polly has the potential to be a good mother so maybe she'll have better luck next year. :-\

Offline RCF

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2012, 10:44 »
Aw... this is very sad. :'( I was rooting for these two. Where are the videos, Elaine? I followed the link that you have posted to BCAW but wasn't sure where to locate the videos. :-\

Try these links

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2012, 10:40 »
Aw... this is very sad. :'( I was rooting for these two. Where are the videos, Elaine? I followed the link that you have posted to BCAW but wasn't sure where to locate the videos. :-\

Offline Elaine L

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2012, 10:13 »
I am very sad to report that Polly and Algo's chick died.  Rick at BCAW reports that they have no way of knowing what happened, if it was a natural death or something else.  He has posted videos of Polly lying next to her dead chick, for those of you who can stand to watch.

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2012, 08:06 »
Yes, thanks TPC.   I always appreciate hearing your opinion.  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2012, 17:10 »
Ever since Algo and Polly have nested, I've wondered something, so here is a question for TPC or anyone else who may know:

Are there any health considerations for the species when a brother and sister mate and produce young?  Or, for that matter, a mother & son such as at Winnipeg?  (Not that we could do anything about keeping them apart.  :P )

There isn't as a general rule.  Nature has a way of taking care of problems.  If there is some underlying genetic weakness, then the chicks won't survive (5 to 7 out of every 10 chicks die in the first year), in the meantime, a pair learns what to do and when one or the other doesn't return, that experience helps when they get a new mate.  If there isn't an underlying weakness, then the adults add to their experience and the kids continue to contribute genes to the pool.  Ivy had two mates prior to Princess - Jules was his preceding mate and they couldn't produce chicks to save their genetic heritage and they are totally unrelated (Jules isn't related to anyone here).  As soon as he was paired with Princess, its been 4 chicks each year and not problems.  Since Jules hooked up with Beau, four eggs every year and if she would refrain from nesting in "evil spots", then she would be working her way through the teens by now.  So Nature takes care of her own one way or another.

Does that help?

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2012, 09:56 »
Ever since Algo and Polly have nested, I've wondered something, so here is a question for TPC or anyone else who may know:

Are there any health considerations for the species when a brother and sister mate and produce young?  Or, for that matter, a mother & son such as at Winnipeg?  (Not that we could do anything about keeping them apart.  :P )

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2012, 08:22 »
Looks like they have just the one chick.  :)

Published on May 20, 2012 by Rickd5689

Nidification 2012 de Polly et Algo / 2012 Nesting Season of Polly and Algo

Algo et juvénile / Algo and Juvenile 15h51 pm 20/5/2012

Offline Elaine L

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2012, 14:00 »
The only problem here is that Algo has been two-timing Polly, and Polly has been some time and energy chasing the other female out of the territory.  I think Algo's father is Jack, the other two-timer in Toronto.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2012, 13:39 »
Hooray for Polly! She finally has her own chicks and doesn't have to snatch one of her mom's chicks! ;)

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2012, 07:06 »
Polly and Algo have two chicks and there has been a bit of drama here.
posted by Rick D.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 07:13 by Rapidcitymbfan »

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2012, 11:31 »
POLLY and ALGO, Turcot Exchange:  Rick D. reports that Polly (the daughter of Roger and Spirit from two seasons ago), and her mate, Algo, have eggs at their nestbox on the Turcot Exchange.  Hatching is expected late April or early May.  See videos dated April 15 at BCAW:

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2012, 13:01 »
Awww! Too bad. :( Maybe they will will provide a webcam if & when these 2 lay some eggs. :-\

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2012, 15:38 »
Does anyone know if there is a webcam for Algo & Polly? ??? I can't seem to locate one. I think it would be interesting to observe Polly, given her history.

There was a link on the blog but the cams are offline at the moment it looks like:

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2012, 15:30 »
Does anyone know if there is a webcam for Algo & Polly? ??? I can't seem to locate one. I think it would be interesting to observe Polly, given her history.

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 20:12 »
What a great video of Polly going for a swim! Even my cat enjoyed watching it. LOL! :D Amazing camera resolution.

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 11:56 »
What an interesting video, not something we get to see often.  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 00:26 »
Video of Polly taking a splash.  ;D   There's more video of Algo and Polly by Rickd5689 on YouTube

Uploader Comments ( Rickd5689 )

    That's the funny ..... was not hot at the time she was bathing, but Polly seemed

    love it. Remains to be seen if Algo will do the same ..... :-)

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 21:56 »
Well, bravo for Polly! :) Let's hope that she has a successful nesting season.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 21:59 by Kinderchick »

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 19:39 »
Is this the same Polly who had an injured leg a few years ago and continued to nest with her parents into the next season, even snatching one of her half siblings that year? :-\

Yes, this is the same Polly.

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Re: QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange - 2012 / Algo & Polly
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 19:12 »
Is this the same Polly who had an injured leg a few years ago and continued to nest with her parents into the next season, even snatching one of her half siblings that year? :-\

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QC / Montréal - Turcot Interchange-River's Edge Church - 2012-19
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 16:15 »

I really like the design of this nestbox, lots of places to perch!  8)

Algo and Polly, the offspring of Spirit and Rogers, born in 2009, now have a brand new box at the Turcot interchange. This is the company Falcon Environmental Services (FES) in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife and Transportation (MTQ) who carried out the construction and installation of the box. The latter is on the stack J-4, a battery "north" of the pile where their first nest was located last year. After a failed nesting attempt in 2011, it is hoped that 2012 will bring them healthy falcons. Thank you to Marilou G. Skellig ( SEF ) for the photo of the box.
Posted by Eve Bélisle at 5:40 p.m.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 16:17 by Rapidcitymbfan »