Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules
Attitude, they've all got attitude! I love it . . .
I'm thinking that this yelling by the females is something passed onto them from Princess. Here, Brandon, Edmonton. Sheeeesh. But it does make for easy spotting. ;D
Aw, that is sweet! Thanks for this update allikat :-*
Air quality check....
Both birds are still hanging around at their usual spots which is great!!!
Heard Jules this morning...gotta love those female falcons and there screeching ::)
I'm pretty sure she was having a conversation with Ivy because he showed up pretty quick....breakfast perhaps for his loved one?
Wanted to update for the folks that aren't able to see our West Winnipeg pair.
This morning, as I was stopped at a light, saw Jules fly and swoop up, actually folks more like warp speed flying here....all I can say is WOW! Falcons are amazing!
She swooped up to her regular perch, she was cacking up a storm. Ivy was on his regular perch facing another direction. Maybe she was giving him the gears for perchin' all morning. ::)
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