Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Yahoo, I hope so!! We like pictures!!  ;D  Especially Dennis' picture   :-*

Great report Dennis. Does this mean more pictures??

AWESOME, what a way to start your day, hey Dennis????  Thanks for that report.   :-*

Just happen to be in the West-end early this morning...6:20ish
Jules on her corner at the Diner and no sign of Ivy. After stepping out of the truck for a couple of the perch she comes...makes a couple of circles and then behind the Bleachers. Then another loop around the Bleachers, but didn't come back.
Change my location hoping to locate...yep ! Both now perched on the East side of the Bleachers...then Ivy takes flight and does a couple of turns and heads towards a near by tower.
Checking my watch...I still have some time before work.
The clouds start to clear and the early morning sun makes him glow...out of the,click,click,then Jules fly's in. More click, click, click...with a lot of keee keee kee kee ke ke ke ke going on...what a sight to see and hear on a early Tuesday morn.


--- Quote from: bccs on July 28, 2009, 14:49 ---I'm thinking that this yelling by the females is something passed onto them from Princess. Here, Brandon, Edmonton. Sheeeesh. But it does make for easy spotting. ;D

--- End quote ---
I don't know Jules' excuse.....perhaps they just know that right tone of falcon screech  :D


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