Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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I especially like the ones where they look like they are dropping off the railing. Beautiful.

Fabulous pictures, as always, Dennis!

To help you ID the West End Birds other than by size when seen together. Jewel (female) being larger and the thin Breeders Band that can not always be seen. She has more yellow around the eyes towards her beak. As well her beak seems more yellow than Ivy's...perhaps a breeding time thing ?? Perhaps Tracy could fill us in on that.
I'm only able to see this after looking at photos.

 TPC is a "Pro" and can tell at a glance it seems.

The Peregrine Chick:
Ivy and his female were playing at the B&B today.  Dennis and I tried to sneak onto the roof to check the box without them noticing but no such luck.  They are defensive of the nestbox (a great thing) and there is a nice scrape in the gravel - looks perfect for a clutch of 4 eggs.  Nothing yet, but we will be keeping a close eye on the site.

Dennis did manage to snap some photos, but they were flying very fast (but close) and the light was flat which makes detailed photos difficult to capture.  You may or may not have new Dennis photos to see shortly but I have a photo or two of the scrape, but I'm not sure how "viewer-friendly" they are but I'm sure I'll post them in the next couple of days.

What an incredible gallery of photos Dennis.  ;D  Ivy is certainly a very handsome young fellow, just like his rockstar dad.
The photos of the encounter between the three adults are amazing.  I don't know how you managed it, given the speed at which all of this happened.  8)


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