Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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I sure hope I can make the Phanatics get together this year.  Would love to meet the other Phanatics here.  Would love to see a Peregrine in real life.  

Name the time TPC, I certainly have the place. And it's not your average rooftop with guck all over the place, we have a nice bouncy type flooring, picnic tables, garden and I'm working on a bbq.

The Peregrine Chick:
Might have to arrange the next Phanatics Get-Together on B's rooftop ... I know Dennis is itching to get back up there!!  :D


--- Quote ---I envy you both!  It's harder in downtown Wpg, when you don't have a window seat OR co-workers who get it (remember after Black Friday, those who thought we were nuts for sobbing at our desks?). 

I am SO glad you have free access!   :)

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Hi Liz. If you'd like you could come over to my building I'll take you up on the roof. I have a pretty good view of 3 or 4 of the places they like to hang out. And I have binoculars so you could get a close up view.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: allikat on April 21, 2009, 19:00 ---On my way home today, I thought I saw a falcon trying to hunt a sea gull.  There was some pretty fancy flying happening and some stooping.  All I saw was a falcon and lots of gulls scatter  8)
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Oh, they like gull, some birds more than others and some nestsites more than others.  At the Radisson we get more shorebird remains, same at the Diner in West Winnipeg.  At the U of M however, we were hip deep in gull parts when the birds nested there - it was just a couple of minutes from the bend in the Red by St Norbert where the gulls congregate so they were like the pigeons downtown.  When we had birds hanging out more regularly on the Legislature, we used to find, almost exclusively, the wings from blue and green winged teal (a smallish duck). 

Glad to hear you pulled over Allikat!!  :D


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