Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Where are you in BC.
I go to the eagle  fledges.
they are my nest love .
Very majestic..

Our 'tower' birds here in mississauga at the St Lawrence plant live on seagulls ( being right beside Lake Ontario).  the guy who i talk to there told me that they are forever wiping seagull heads off their cars ( must not taste good.. or too crunchy) and finding corpses in the lots under the silos.  (yum)..

It's a great building Ballywing. We just moved here a little over 2 years ago and they gutted and redid the place to our specs. Till the new Hydro came along, we had the greenest one in Wpg. Even our water is collected from rain and then filtered and used throughout the building.
The neighbourhood can be a little rough, but everything is a tradeoff.

Moonstar, I also would love to see a peregrine in real life.
I'm fortunate enough to see bald eagles regularly, though.


--- Quote from: bccs on April 22, 2009, 10:22 ---Name the time TPC, I certainly have the place. And it's not your average rooftop with guck all over the place, we have a nice bouncy type flooring, picnic tables, garden and I'm working on a bbq.

--- End quote ---
Geez! - I wanna work at your building!!!  :P


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