Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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these guys certainly keep you busy TPC

The Peregrine Chick:
Rockstar Junior was on The Bleachers this morning about 7:45 am.  Couldn't see Jules anywhere so hopefully she was off doing "lady" things  ;) in the nestbox.  Will check the box on the weekend and let you all know if we have gotten lucky yet ....


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 22, 2009, 23:57 --- Since peregrines aren't that easy to see even when you know where they are/will be....
--- End quote ---
You said it TPC!! - I've finally figured out where they are (pretty much) and have yet to see hide nor hair of any of them - even P&T have completely eluded  my neck craning - so far!!! >:(

Should have been a bit more specific about the roof. I only have access during working hours. The powers that be are of the xy species and even though the xx are first in and last out, only the xy have the alarm codes. >:(
Bit of an OB network here.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: msdolittle on April 22, 2009, 21:40 ---it's making me mental ... is west winnipeg down portage ... or charleswood?

--- End quote ---

Could be anywhere between the Hydro Building (two blocks west of the Radisson) and Headingley .. and north/south to the Perimeter Highway.  And no, not going to be more specific.  Don't fret about the exact location folks - build a territory in your mind with three locations in it - The Diner, The Bleachers and The B&B.  Most folks online aren't in Winnipeg so this is exactly how they are envisioning our discussions of the Radisson territory downtown.  And keep in mind that the peregrines' environment doesn't look like our environment even though they occupy the same footprint.  So create the territory in your head and then add detail as the peregrines' story unfolds and as we are able to get decent photos.  Since peregrines aren't that easy to see even when you know where they are/will be, this may in fact be a much more fulfilling way of following along on their adventures.


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