Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Ack!! - Somebody needs to give these first time parents a set of instructions maybe  ???

The Peregrine Chick:
0800 hrs (local) - both Ivy and Jules were sitting on the railing by the nest.  Hopefully this is just shift-change behaviour because they need to be seriously sitting on these eggs at this point.  They can't keep hopping on and off or their eggs are going to bake.  I'm hoping its just because its morning and activity and that they get back on the eggs for the day.  That shouldn't hurt the eggs.  Will keep you all up-to-date.

A number of new photos have been added.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Mother Hen on May 08, 2009, 13:24 ---I never thought of investigating this site!!!! 3  eggs that is good and if you can help that would be even better. How long has the pair been together?? What are the ages? 
--- End quote ---

Sorry Mother Hen, missed your question ... Ivy is a 2005 hatch of Trey and Princess at the Radisson.  He wasn't seen anywhere in 2006 but then returned in 2007 and nested (unsuccessfully - 3 eggs) with Lucy his sister (same year) in the West Winnipeg area.  In 2008, he was back again but with a new female, Jules, but they didn't initiate nesting just hung out in the same territory all summer.  This year Ivy and Jules are back again and they have 3 eggs as of last Monday.  Estimated hatch date is the end of May.  We are going to try to improve their site a bit in the next week as their current site doesn't make incubation easy for them.  But more on that after its done  ;D

Photos are great Dennis.  Wow, can you ever see the difference in size between the two of them.  Gorgeous birds.


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