Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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It's likely better that TPC doesn't know just how the photos where obtained... ::) ;)

Wonderful photos of the west Winnipeg birds as always Dennis.  I hope that you weren't hanging off any rooftops at the time! And those recent photos of the owlets, wow, just spectacular.  ;D

A few more photos added to the "New" West-end Gallery.

And so, here I stand, sword in one hand, taser in the other. I'm a woman of all ages. Alone, alone, just like Joan d'Arc as she stood on the pile of burning wood.
Confident in my righeousness, head held high, thinking only of the welfare of the ww chicks ( had to bring it back to topic somehow ).

If you offend the 'chick'
you'll feel her 'stick'
otherwise known as her 'hoe'
out of the sandbox you'll 'go'
if you hear a 'beep beep'
you'll know you are in 'deep'
so you'd better scrape and 'bow'
or you'll feel the 'pow'
both friend and 'foe'
and now you 'know'.


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