Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules

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--- Quote from: photosbydennis on July 31, 2012, 22:01 ---Hey Juliet, you watch to the right side and I'll watch the left...I think that guy with the camera is trying to sneak up on us ?

More photos have been added

--- End quote ---

LOL  Dennis, you are so busted!!!  They caught you in the act!  Do you want their autographs too?  I am sure something could be arranged, haha. 
In all seriousness, I have so loved all your photos.  You have a gift for getting and sharing the best shots of these peregrines with us!!  You are a great shutterbug, or should I say, phantashutterbug!!!  Thank you.

Hey Juliet, you watch to the right side and I'll watch the left...I think that guy with the camera is trying to sneak up on us ?

More photos have been added

I'm so sorry to hear about Nipper.

Juliet and Lilith are such beautiful names.

Dennis - thank you for the photos - as always, they are wonderful

The Peregrine Chick:
Haven't heard how Lilith and Juliet fared the storm, but I do have a call in ... more news as I get it.

New gallery has been started for the West Winnipeg Chicks.
More photos will be added in the day's to come.


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