Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules

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--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on March 29, 2012, 18:07 ---We have a plan and hopefully it will encourage her to nest elsewhere.
--- End quote ---

Any plan that avoids the difficulties of last year sounds like a good plan to me, TPC!  ::)

The Peregrine Chick:
Jules is misbehaving again and might actually be considering nesting in the same place as she did last year.  I say thinking about it because a) its a bit too early for actual nesting and b) because she won't get a chance to repeat her mistake again this year.  We have a plan and hopefully it will encourage her to nest elsewhere.  And no, it won't hurt her, but hopefully it will get her moving off to the nestbox.

After such a crappy Saturday (your Tuesday), Sunday (your Wednesday) brought some clear sunny skies and I thought that for sure I would be able to set-up and photograph the West Winnipeg pair....grrrrrrrrr  :'(
Found her mid-morning at the Bleachers then she was on the sign of her new friend. Perhaps he was out hunting or  ???

Went by this afternoon, no sightings.....

I was driving by the bleachers late yesterday afternoon (5 o'clockish) while it was snowing/ice pellets and when I briefly looked up thought I saw a peregrine there. My young niece and nephew were in the car at the time and I was rushing to meet up with their mom, or I would have turned around and gone back for a better look. But I must have said something out loud, because my nephew was craning his head around trying to spot what I had seen.


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