Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules

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I'm thrilled that these two are back together!  Clearly, Jules had her candle in the window, waiting for her Beau, and they're wasting no time ;)  Peregrine-style romancing, getting down and doing the dirty, that's how we like to see it (with Wowzer's assistance of course) ;D

A friend in Charleswood phoned be around 6:15 or so tonight. Said she saw what she was sure were 4 peregrines very high up and there was definitely a big chase going on.  She didn't get to see them that long.

 RE:   She is definitely interested in Beau however     Dennis and I watched <non-PG13 behaviour> for a couple of hours today.  At last sighting the lovebirds  . . . . . .

Hilarious!!  Thanks for the laugh :D

Great news!!  Welcome home Beau!  8)


--- Quote from: susha on March 31, 2012, 16:44 ---Welcome back Beau!

--- End quote ---

I'm very happy for Jules, her 'Beau' is home  :-* ;D


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