Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: dupre501 on April 12, 2012, 15:11 ---Hi TPC,
Any problems with your non-broadcast spying eyes in WW? Since you said you were having problems with your cameras downtown, I was wondering if it was the same for the cameras in WW.
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Because we don't know where she is going to nest, we don't hook up the computers to the cameras until after she's got eggs somewhere. The cameras are installed and may need another quick clean so they are ready to go, but we have to wait for that first (or fourth) egg!
Any problems with your non-broadcast spying eyes in WW? Since you said you were having problems with your cameras downtown, I was wondering if it was the same for the cameras in WW.
Yesterday evening at 7:10, two birds at the Bleachers.
This morning at 8:15, one at the Bleachers, one at the Diner.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Kinderchick on April 10, 2012, 14:04 ---Well, I guess I thought that you had put up a nestbox at "the Diner" last year, TPC. I guess I was mistaken. :-[
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We have a couple of nestsites in this territory Kinderchick and we don't identify any of them either by their nickname or actual location just for security sake. :)
Well, I guess I thought that you had put up a nestbox at "the Diner" last year, TPC. I guess I was mistaken. :-[
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