Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: photosbydennis on June 13, 2012, 20:28 ---Mom or Dad sitting on the rail, can't tell with the light. The three chicks roaming around in the box...after few more day's there won't be much room...

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I was checking this family this morning and managed to get a good look (relatively speaking) of the three chicks - one is smaller (smaller but not younger) than the others, not dangerously so at this stage of their development (they are 2+ weeks old) just noticeably smaller.  Could be that we have at least one male and one female here.  Jules and Beau don't produce small females like Princess and Trey did, so the chicks may just be close enough to banding that the size differences are starting to be noticeable even at a distance and in less than optimal lighting (I really wish these birds were nesting a bit closer to the cameras *sigh*).

Mom or Dad sitting on the rail, can't tell with the light. The three chicks roaming around in the box...after few more day's there won't be much room...

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Leana on June 11, 2012, 21:43 ---Any update on these guys TPC?

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Dennis managed to get our cam back on line today!

Looks like there are three chicks at this site - not sure if there have always been three or if one chick died awhile ago because there is no sign of a body anywhere.  Why now?  The chicks are finally old enough that they lie down separately and move a bit around the box so we can actually see bodies as opposed on one amorphous white pile which is what we have been seeing up until now.  Unfortunately the only camera we can see them on is the wide-angle camera and the nest is even further away from the camera than it was last year.  This camera has always given us less detail, now the detail is even less.  We were pretty sure we saw four eggs and when the chicks hatched, we couldn't see any eggs (and usually you do at some point) and the weather for them right after hatching was warm/hot so both Jules and Beau spent a fair time with the chicks but not on them during the first few days and still we couldn't see a fourth egg.  Not long until we band these guys though we don't have a confirmed date yet.  And that's about all the new news there is.

Any update on these guys TPC?

I had the privilege of watching an in flight kill last Friday and the resulting shower of feathers! A tenant of the building mentioned the 'taking' of the chicks last year and I couldn't understand why until I read Tracy's post. Makes a lot of sense for that locale.


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