Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules

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Good to hear that you can get a better look at the chicks.  When will the banding take place here?

The Peregrine Chick:
Finally the chicks have left the tuppernest - took them three weeks to do it!  Nice thing about this is that at the moment they are in front of camera number 2 which gives us our best picture of them so far this year - three chicks looking plump and healthy!

Yes, it is interesting, bcf. I was driving east down Portage Ave. in the late afternoon this past Friday and sure enough, the distinctive flight characteristics of a PF, circling around a few times.

Lucky for you and your family! You must have trained your eye to notice these things, most people wouldn't.
A couple of weeks ago I was coming north on Pembina just before the Jubilee overpass and something caught my eye. Sure enough it was a PF coming from the fields just west of there. It then circled back towards downtown. It's funny how you pick up that difference in flight characteristics after seeing them a few times.

I was out for dinner tonight with my husband and kids.  As we left the restaurant and were walking to the car I looked up at the sky, towards the building of the "evil" nesting spot, not really expecting to see anything.  But I got a lovely surprise!  Somebirdie (and my guess, by size, is that it was Beau) did a fly by and landed on one of the railings.  My husband, who saw said bird at the same time as me, said "is that?" and I replied (with much excitement) "I think so!" .  We walked to where we had a view of the  rail he landed on and sure enough, it was definitely a falcon.  Sure am kicking myself for not having binoculars in the car!

What an unexpected treat!  ;D  I would have hung around to watch longer but the kids were impatient to get home...


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