Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2012 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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The Peregrine Chick:
Think Brandon missed the storm so Maya, Hunter and Sol should be fine - if there are problems, I'm sure we will hear from RCF and Rose soon enough!

What a successful year for Brandon!  It's just a joy to partake in!  I wish the very best for these juveniles, and we all hope, to see all of you, sooner than later! 

Great photos RCF ;D

transplanted maple:
As , I sit at my desk looking at pictures and cams throughout the last few monthes, two things I have learned.

1) There is people out there that still care about the enviroment for all things small and large.
2) It is up to us watching to help spread the word about the birds.

I have learned more from all of you about birds in general.
I saw for the first time flying falcon, and until you look up, it`s just a bird and sky.

Thanks all of you , you will never know how much it means to people who can`t get out and see for themselves.

Thank you to all of you.  :-*   I just feel so lucky to be able to watch these beautiful birds that are pretty much in my own backyard and it would be a terrible shame not to share.   :-* :)


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