Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2012 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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Wonderful photos of Hurricane and the new nestbox as well as the great new pole perch! 8)


--- Quote from: bccs on April 14, 2012, 18:03 ---RCF you rock. Too bad you weren't there to take pictures of the modifications. :'(

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It was raining and I was in Brandon the day before, good day to stay home and read a book. The birdies would have been trying to stay dry anyway.......not a good day for the camera  ;)


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 14, 2012, 18:14 ---Yesterday was a horrible day to try to take photos (poor Dennis  :'() and it would have been even worse hanging out in the rain waiting to take photos for the 8-9 hours we were working in town.  Actual work on the roof took 1/2 hour, only 20 minutes of which were visible from the ground. 

Much better to photograph today in the mostly sunny and getting warmer weather  :D

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Your right! Yesterday was a day that was only good for Rhubarb and Ducks, a day to stay in and read a book. When it wasn't raining it was foggy not nice at all. Now today is just the exact opposite sunny and warm and no wind. :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Yesterday was a horrible day to try to take photos (poor Dennis  :'() and it would have been even worse hanging out in the rain waiting to take photos for the 8-9 hours we were working in town.  Actual work on the roof took 1/2 hour, only 20 minutes of which were visible from the ground. 

Much better to photograph today in the mostly sunny and getting warmer weather  :D

RCF you rock. Too bad you weren't there to take pictures of the modifications. :'(


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