Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2012 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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Yes great pictures RCF and thanks for the updates too!

Again, great captures RCF! 


--- Quote from: Kinderchick on July 22, 2012, 19:22 ---Very funny looking dummy sitting in the chair on the communications tower, RCF! ::)

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It's actually on the building beside the communications tower and people live in apts below and I think Brooklyn and Hurricane were alarm calling when they went out on the roof to place the dummy in the chair. ;)

--- Quote from: Kinderchick on July 22, 2012, 19:22 --- I wonder if he/she is the creative product of those involved with the "stand off" at the MTS tower that Rose spoke about the other day? ?
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The MTS guys never went up the tower, they were afraid of getting attacked by Hurricane and Brooklyn.  ;D  Two of the chicks were on the tower when they were there and that's why B and H were dive bombing them.  They sent three others fellows on Saturday to go up the tower who I spoke with about the peregrines. One fellow was from Winnipeg and knows about the Radisson birds and the other two were from Texas and Kansas. I don't think Brooklyn and Hurricane bothered them since the chicks weren't on the tower on Saturday.


--- Quote from: Rose on July 19, 2012, 10:41 ---Stand off at the MTS tower this morning. Two chicks on the tower and three workmen on the ground waiting to go up the tower but every time they put their heads out the hatch Brooklyn and Hurricane would start dive bombing.
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Very funny looking dummy sitting in the chair on the communications tower, RCF! ::) I wonder if he/she is the creative product of those involved with the "stand off" at the MTS tower that Rose spoke about the other day? ???

When I first got there somebody was alarm calling so I went to the parkade and saw that somebody had put a dummy sitting in a chair on the building directly south of the communications tower building, so that may have been what the alarm call was about because it wasn't there the day before.  ::)

I watched all three kids soaring the thermals and two of them were playing talon tag.   8)  Hurricane and one juvie had locked talons and flew close to the Scotia building and were losing altitude but broke free about half way down the building..........sheeeeshhhhhh enough already!!
Sol landed on a hydro pole very close to where I was and then flew onto the wire, I was thinking very loudly  "Get off that wire"!!   :o  Thank goodness he managed to get off in one piece!  By the time I left most of them disappeared out of view to have a nap, either on the annex or the Scotia building.



Hunter taken from a long distance away.


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