Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines
McKenzie Seeds - 2009 / Zeus & Hurricane
Sounds kinda, sorta like you may have a great day there BL :P Hehe...great report and glad everyone is present and accounted for.
I did, and I plan on havin' more too 8)
Sounds like you had a GREAT day BL....Thank you so much for the update! 8)
Whoo Hoo!! Another Great day down in the salt mines!! 8)
Met RCMCF and Rose downtown on the parkade and there was a catch up to take care of. They had seen the adults this morning but only two of the kids.
So we went walkabout, and sure glad that we did. RCMCF showed me where the adults have been "preparing" dinner. Pretty cool, this was a crow, that is a young water fowl, that was a shore bird cuz it's got long legs. LOL ;D ;D
We found my golden girl hanging out on the south west corner of the McKenzie Seeds annex ( I learned something new today!!). She showed off for us a bit and then jumped down behind the ledge so could no longer see her. So I said, let's go across the road to see if we can see anything on the top of the walkway between the two parts of the building.
Sure enough, we saw one little head poking up. I had to get a better look so went way down the back lane perpendicular to the walkway and there were the other two! So all are present and accounted for again today. YAY
The kids are all keeping a low profile as it is really windy here today and where they are it's like a wind tunnel there too. As we were heading back, RCMCF on the east side of the building and Rose and I on the west, Zeus and Hurricane flew overhead and he was swoopin' and diving over and around us. I guess we were too close for comfort even tho the kids are 50' above us. It was so awesome to see them doing their winging around.
So, the adults landed on the clock tower. Hurricane on the top and Zeus on the base and that is where they were when we all left.
Great reports everyone!!! Remember these moments as they are so exciting!
Wish we were there!
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