Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines
McKenzie Seeds - 2009 / Zeus & Hurricane
Yahoo rcmf, you are all doing such a wonderful job of watching and reporting. And there's only 3 of you.
Hey gang, a huge big way to go for our Brandon fledge watchers. :-* :-*
excellent news! thanks. 8)
WOW! Thanks for this very detailed update, rapidcity! :D
I met Rose on the parkade at 5:30 this evening, Zues was perched on the McKenzie Building. There were four falcons on the MTS tower. There was one on very top of tower, think it was the golden girl. Two below,one laying down and would pop up its head now and again. the third one facing north, could only see tail feathers. the other one below these two hiding behind a post. We watched for a while and Zeus soared off the west. Nobody was doing much and Rose had to leave, but before she left she says " As soon as I leave something will happen". Well she didn't get to the bottom of the ramp and a parent flew in with food to MTS tower. ::) Parent flew over to rooftop below the nestledge with a juvie hot on his/her heels and another one just behind them. Lots of sqawking (GIMMIE, GIMMIE) & flapping going on. Then one flew to the top of the McKenzie bldg sat for a minute then flew off, circled around bldg and landed where the other two were. Flying pretty well I'd say ;D Then I saw a parent fly off to the south and the other parent joined him/her. They disappeared in the distance. So now I see three juvies on McKenzie bldg,one in the nestbox other two on southeast parapet, not sure where other is. I scan the MTS tower, ya gotta really look cause lots of bars posts to hide behind. I finally see the fourth juvie, ;D only when bobbing it's head up and down. so everyone is accounted for YAY ;D ;D ;D
Thanks for all the updates, BirdLover and Rose! So glad to hear our Brandon fledglings are doing so well! ;D
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