Must see: Raccoon rides an alligator
Leeanna McLean / The Weather Network / 15 June 2015

Just when you think you've seen it all. This past week our viewers were greeted to images of a squirrel riding a woodpecker and now we have a raccoon standing on an alligator.
A Palatka, Florida man managed to snap this incredible photo while visiting the Ocala National Forest Saturday morning.
Richard Jones and his family were walking along the Oaklawaha river gazing at some of the gators. As his son went through some palm fronds to get a better view, he ended up frightening a nearby raccoon.
The animal stumbled towards the water and ended up hopping on top of a gator's back, Jones told Bay News 9. The photo was taken seconds before the alligator slipped underwater and the raccoon jumped off.
"Without the context, you'd think the raccoon was hitching a ride across the river," Jones told Bay News 9 in an email. "Pretty amazing. Definitely the photo of a lifetime."Source: is a very funny tweet that says: "Raccoons and alligators are working together now it is time to evacuate this planet"