2011 Special Edition Teeshirts are ready for pre-order
Deadline for orders will be 2359hrs on December 4th, this will give the printers 2 weeks to print and then I can get them in the mail or downtown for pickup before Christmas.
We have one colour (black) but a few styles - short-sleeved or long-sleeved in unisex (our usual style) or ladies or youth sizes
Same procedure as in the past:
1) figure out what styles/sizes you want
2) fill out and submit the pre-order form online
3) I will send a confirmation to you
4) you will need to send me a confirmation
5) I will send out an invoice for payment.
6) order goes to printer
7) order is produced

I will package to be mailed out first, then packages to Radisson for pick-up
9) you (hopefully) enjoy your shirt!
If you have questions, please post them here OR send me an email at estore [at] species-at-risk.mb.ca
I will be sending out emails to all Forum members and to our entire mailing list on Monday/Tuesday, so if you receive an email that's why