Author Topic: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie  (Read 14432 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2011, 09:44 »
Posted on the website on 11/08/11...

One last bow for Violet & Bobby

"They came back for a curtain call.

A few hours before the Hawk Cam was to go dark for the season, the red-tailed hawk parents Bobby and Violet made a surprise visit to their 12th-floor nest high above Washington Square Park at about 1:30 Thursday afternoon.

The couple had not been seen on the nest at the same time since around the time that their daughter Pip fledged in late June.

Violet, who had not been spotted either on the nest or out in the wider world since July 18, was a particularly welcome sight. Her right leg with the band on it remains swollen, but she seemed well and perfectly functional.

The pair performed a quick home inspection, then shifted some sticks around — a bit of seemingly routine housecleaning that boded very well for those hoping for a second season of the urban-nature reality show “Bobby and Violet Hatch an Egg.”

Bobby jetted off a few minutes later.

Violet stuck around for almost 40 minutes (the whole video is archived and can be viewed here starting at about 1 hour 43 minutes). Then she, too, flew off."

So nice to hear that Violet's ankle, although still swollen from her injury in May, is okay and that she seems to be functioning well.  :)
Here is a link to the video from yesterday, the last before the webcam went down for the season...

Offline Linder

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2011, 22:54 »
I hope it will work as well but it will definitely depend on what she decides to do when she sees someone on the ledge or the net approaching her.

Offline irenekl

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2011, 21:44 »
Your welcome kinderchick. You guys usually have everything covered long before i get to stuff so i excitedly posted the link so I looked smart like everyone else on this forum;).

Seriously though, I sure hope the plans they have for Violet are successful.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2011, 20:27 »
Thank you for this link, irenekl. :-* It is very informative.

Offline irenekl

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2011, 13:16 »

This is the page where all the information is regarding how they intend to help Violet.  Very informative & interesting.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2011, 11:52 »
Well, that's a relief to hear about the tag around her leg not being a piece of plastic garbage. Whew! But as bcf has said, I sure hope they can catch her, remove it and treat her.

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2011, 11:45 »
I don't think I've ever seen a nest with so much garbage on a web cam. It's kind of shocking. I hope the tag that is hurting her leg can be moved/removed and the leg can be treated so that  she's okay.

Offline Cooper

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2011, 09:37 »
Update on Violet is that the thing around her leg is actually a metal wildlife tag placed by a researcher. The tags, as we know, usually sit loosely at the "ankle" but this one was somehow forced up to her "shin" area. The plan now is to try to capture her, remove the tag and treat her with antibiotics and get her back to the nest so she can continue to raise her baby(ies).  
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 18:05 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2011, 20:03 »
... But the hawk family has a serious problem. In addition to the concern about rat poison being used nearby, Violet seems to have strip of plastic wrapped around her leg causing her leg to swell. She may lose her leg and/or get sick from infection...

...The dangers of plastics/trash/human disregard played out right before our eyes!
This is very sad to hear, indeed.  :(

Offline Cooper

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2011, 13:34 »
I watched Violet feed her little one. What a great job and baby is a little pig! S/he will have a jump on his sibs if the other eggs do hatch.

But the hawk family has a serious problem. In addition to the concern about rat poison being used nearby, Violet seems to have strip of plastic wrapped around her leg causing her leg to swell. She may lose her leg and/or get sick from infection

From the site:

Hawk Cam | Assessing Violet’s Situation |

"University officials and Robert and Cathy Horvath, the Long Island-based hawk rehabilitators whom City Room has been consulting, are meeting at N.Y.U. on Saturday afternoon to assess Violet’s medical situation. A blue plastic line of some sort is wrapped around one leg, and her foot has become severely swollen. She still flew out of the nest on Saturday morning, returning to Eyass No. 1, her baby hawk born on Friday and to be named by City Room readers."

The dangers of plastics/trash/human disregard played out right before our eyes!

Offline Cooper

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2011, 10:13 »
Bobby and Violet did know best! Baby hawk hatched this morning! Happy Mother's Day Violet!

Offline allikat

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2011, 15:51 »
I have got the camera minimized on my computer, checking in periodically!
I keep wondering if the cam is actually working because Violet rarely/barely moves!

Anyway, she does, but it's watching paint dry but like watching! 
Still nothing yet......

Offline Cooper

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 14:08 »
Watched for about 45 minutes, and finally got to see some action. Saw a parent trade off and witnessed three seemingly intact eggs. However, whoever the parent is that took over has been fussing for the last half hour. He/she took a piece of cardboard from underneath the eggs and spent some time repositioning it; pecking away and moving bits of twigs and other vegetation in the nest; repositioning the eggs; repositioning self. I'm guessing this is all in aid of temperature control. (Pure guess, but sounds good to me!)

As I understand hatching does create some heat, I'm taking this as a hopeful sign that something's going on, finally. Hope so!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 16:43 »
Yes, I did read on the website where someone had posted that they thought a chick had hatched. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Offline Cooper

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Re: Red-tailed Hawk - NYC / Bobby & Rosie (2011)
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 16:14 »
As far as I know, none of the eggs have hatched yet and there is concern that they may not. I haven't been lucky enough to catch the parents off the eggs to see anything for myself (and I've checked in quite regularly). Most of the reports say there are three still uncracked eggs like birdcamfan saw. So it looks like the expert may have been a bit hasty (or the info provided to him/her was). Someone recently posted that they thought they saw something that might be chick peeking out from underneath, so there's still some hope things will go alright for the birds.