Author Topic: 2010 - Kinderchicklets / Thank you and Bye Bye for now!  (Read 4359 times)

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2010 - Kinderchicklets / Thank you and Bye Bye for now!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 22:32 »
Well, today was the Kinderchicklets last day of Kindergarten and so when they realized that they were no longer in Kindergarten anymore, which is sometimes hard for young children to comprehend, one of the 'chicklets remarked: "I guess Tracy will have to call us Grade One Chicklets now!"  8)

As luck would have it, the FalconCam actually worked for us today at school.  ;D So all of the 'chicklets got to see the chicks one more time, before heading off for the summer. Some of them may continue to watch them on their home computers until they fledge, if they are able to get the webcam to work. :-\

Since many of the Kinderchicklets had not seen the chicks for a few days, due to webcam difficulties from our classroom computer, when we did get to see them today, one little boy asked: "What happened to the chicks?! :o Where did they go?!" :o I think they were astounded at the change in them, in such a short time!

I asked the Kinderchicklets if there was anything more that they wanted me to say to you, Tracy, and of course, they did! They wanted me to say "thank you" to you and Larry and Dennis and Dr. Bob.  :D Then I asked them just what exactly they wanted to say "thank you" for and I was amazed that they remembered all of your "jobs".

So here goes, from the Kinderchicklets... "Thank you to Tracy for looking after Princess and Ivy and the chicks and making sure they are always safe and sound!"  ;D "Thank you to Larry for looking after the camera and cleaning the poop off of it!"  :P  "Thank you to Dennis for taking lots of really good pictures of Princess and Ivy and the chicks, especially the chicks in the white buckets!"  8) And thank you to Dr. Bob for putting such beautiful, colourful bracelets on the chicks! :D

And thus ends another year in the life of my Kinderchicklets. Thank you to all Forum members who have so enthusiastically welcomed them and supported their questions by showing an interest in reading our posts and especially, Tracy's ever informative answers! ;D