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Tutorial 3 - Photobucket

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I am here because I might learn something new.  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
Kinderchick, because I don't have an account, I want you to tell me if you see a button that says "upload photo" anywhere on your page ...


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 14, 2011, 20:15 ---Okay for the rest of you who don't have Photobucket accounts, go to your other open window and type in and then use the search function to find a photo - type in teapot or squirrel or whatever you like, it doesn't matter what the photo is for this exercise ...
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Should I do the same, TPC, just for practice?

The Peregrine Chick:
That's just find Linderlou - all you need to do is find a photo on Photobucket so you can see what we are doing.

Okay, we are going to start with trying to upload a photo to your gallery Kinderchick, then we are going to talk about how to post to here ...

I don't have an account yet, will just follow along.


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