Author Topic: McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / Brooklyn & Hurricane  (Read 398552 times)

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Offline Saoirse

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2275 on: August 28, 2011, 17:11 »
Remember, if we post here its public to the world and just because the chicks are flying/migrating doesn't mean they are out of danger.  If we post that one of the chicks is at point A, we have no idea if someone will take that information and use it inappropriately.  Remember the bounty put on Lily the black bear in Minnesota with a radio collar?  

Having said that, I would still like to be able to safely post updates on the Brandon kids' travels, so we will all just have to wait and see ...

TPC, I'll be interested to hear anything you can share, whenever you can share it safely. I don't need to know where the birds are at a given moment (which, as you've pointed out, could put them at risk) but it would be intriguing to learn where they'd been once they're safely somewhere else!

Offline susha

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2274 on: August 28, 2011, 08:51 »
That's the greatest farewell ever, Birdlover!  Lucky you!! ;D

Offline BirdLover

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2273 on: August 27, 2011, 11:49 »
Wednesday evening was my last evening in Brandon and I was downtown.  It was about 6:40 when I heard that very distinct sound that Peregrine's make and when I looked up I saw three of them circling around the McKenzie Seeds building.
What a nice send off.  Was a great sight for me as I won't be seeing them again.  :'(

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2272 on: August 26, 2011, 22:38 »
The satellite research project isn't just one person, so sharing the data isn't one person's decision - and there is a question of intellectual property rights which when you are working towards a PhD is a big deal as you can probably imagine.  They do know that the Project would like to know what is going on with the chicks and that we would like to be able to share some of that information with the public.  At the moment not much to report as the birds really haven't gone far beyond their natal areas.

Remember, if we post here its public to the world and just because the chicks are flying/migrating doesn't mean they are out of danger.  If we post that one of the chicks is at point A, we have no idea if someone will take that information and use it inappropriately.  Remember the bounty put on Lily the black bear in Minnesota with a radio collar?  

Having said that, I would still like to be able to safely post updates on the Brandon kids' travels, so we will all just have to wait and see ...

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2271 on: August 26, 2011, 22:01 »
I haven't been on the forum for a few weeks but it sure is good to see pictures and hear about the Brandon birds. I had forgotten that your babies out there have "antennae" so that they can be "spied" on. So easy to forget such things. I do suppose they will let us know about them now and again. If not there will be a few disappointed forum watchers to be sure.  Our weather has been so beautiful that it has been wonderful for the young'uns to get all their flying skills honed.  Sure is going to be a long winter for all of us when we no longer have sightings.   Australia here we come!!!  Thanks for all the pics RCF and all the posts from both you and Rose.   :-* Ciao

I would expect we won't hear much about Rain and Rosser's whereabouts until the researcher is finished doing her research and writes her paper for her thesis. I am sure there are protocols they need to follow and may take a couple of years before we hear anything.  So Ellie, we will probably be disappointed and I am not so keen on knowing what their fate may or may not be. I am just happy to be seeing them now before they migrate south.

Offline Ellie

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2270 on: August 26, 2011, 21:43 »
I haven't been on the forum for a few weeks but it sure is good to see pictures and hear about the Brandon birds. I had forgotten that your babies out there have "antennae" so that they can be "spied" on. So easy to forget such things. I do suppose they will let us know about them now and again. If not there will be a few disappointed forum watchers to be sure.  Our weather has been so beautiful that it has been wonderful for the young'uns to get all their flying skills honed.  Sure is going to be a long winter for all of us when we no longer have sightings.   Australia here we come!!!  Thanks for all the pics RCF and all the posts from both you and Rose.   :-* Ciao

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2269 on: August 26, 2011, 20:54 »
At what point do the researchers begin to track Rosser & Rain's where-abouts, TPC? Is this only when they begin to migrate? :-\

From what I understand, the transmitters were activated as soon as they were put on Rain and Rosser, so I imagine they are being tracked this very minute.  I think the transmitters download to a computer at certain intervals and could do this daily, weekly or monthly.  That's how I understand it works.

Offline Kinderchick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2268 on: August 26, 2011, 20:26 »
At what point do the researchers begin to track Rosser & Rain's where-abouts, TPC? Is this only when they begin to migrate? :-\

Offline Rose

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2267 on: August 26, 2011, 20:11 »

Luck was spotted in Winnipeg at HSC last autumn - 200+ km from Brandon
and Sandy was spotted at the Radisson that's 350+ km from her nestsite in Fargo, North Dakota
Wasn't Luck from 2009 nest? She had migrated 2009 from Brandon and returned to ?? and then turned up in Winnipeg last fall 2010, so she turned up when she was a year old not the year that she fledged. Good that she made it back to Manitoba and was seen by you.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 20:16 by Rose »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2266 on: August 26, 2011, 19:58 »
I also wanted to mention I have been seeing pied-billed grebes or heads of them on sidewalks under the Scotia sign and a whole grebe in the dock area of the McKenzie building.  Yum Yum!!

The do like those and sora rails (as you can attest  ;))

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2265 on: August 26, 2011, 19:58 »
Could be Douglas Marsh - or Lake of the Prairies, Big Grass Marsh or ...  :D  60-70km isn't that far for a peregrine looking for waterbirds to devour

Luck was spotted in Winnipeg at HSC last autumn - 200+ km from Brandon
and Sandy was spotted at the Radisson that's 350+ km from her nestsite in Fargo, North Dakota

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2264 on: August 26, 2011, 19:56 »
I also wanted to mention I have been seeing pied-billed grebes or heads of them on sidewalks under the Scotia sign and a whole grebe in the dock area of the McKenzie building.  Yum Yum!!

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2263 on: August 26, 2011, 17:55 »
Well I hope Rosser puts in an appearance if you haven't spotted him since Aug 19th. Maybe he's just camera shy.

Rosser (and Rain) are hunting for themselves at this point so he might be off raising heck at a wetland.  Whitewater Lake was in the news today because it is 3x its normal size, could be that he's gone there (its just south of Brandon) to take advantage of the waterbirds that are there - and there are a few right now :)

The two boys are more likely to hunt at the Douglas Marsh  which is very large and only ten miles from Brandon and is much closer than Whitewater Lake (seventy miles from Brandon).  I have pics of Rosser from yesterday.


« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 18:46 by Rapidcitymbfan »

Offline susha

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2262 on: August 26, 2011, 16:53 »
A few less with the Brandon boys in the area, I expect  ;)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / August
« Reply #2261 on: August 26, 2011, 15:57 »
Well I hope Rosser puts in an appearance if you haven't spotted him since Aug 19th. Maybe he's just camera shy.

Rosser (and Rain) are hunting for themselves at this point so he might be off raising heck at a wetland.  Whitewater Lake was in the news today because it is 3x its normal size, could be that he's gone there (its just south of Brandon) to take advantage of the waterbirds that are there - and there are a few right now :)