Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / Brooklyn & Hurricane

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The Peregrine Chick:
City of Winnipeg bylaws do (or did up to a few years ago) allow shooting within the city limits for pigeons, but there is usually only one or two people who are good enough shots to become qualified to get the requisite permits and permissions.  And I believe they are required to shoot for a very short period of time immediately after dawn when there is only a remote chance of danger to humans.

Given a choice between poison and shooting, the poison is perhaps more indiscriminate and probably more of a risk to the peregrines. 

But I have passed along a message to my contact with the provincial government in Brandon to ask what has happened in the past about pigeon control downtown ... and whether this time of year is usual.  Will let y'all know what I hear ...

There must be a city bylaw about shooting inside city limits. I don't think the developer could just authorize it on his own - he'd probably have to get permission from the city. Having said that, it's only too apparent that some are all too ready to shoot first and ask questions later, as we've found out.

This is very upsetting.  I sure hope this person did not shoot the Peregrine Falcon that appeared there last week.

I just sent an e-mail to the e-mail address that Des posted in an earlier comment.

Maybe if we all send an e-mail it will stop them from shooting birds.


OMG!!! :o Why is he doing that?! :o Doesn't he know that there is a peregrine falcon nestbox on the side of the building?! :o No wonder you aren't seeing any peregrine falcons!!!  ::) :P I sure hope this doesn't compromise the location of this nestbox!  >:( Do you think this is because construction is about to begin on the McKenzie Seed Bldg. in order to convert it into condos? ??? Do you think the developer authorized this action? ??? >:(
Please let us know ASAP about this TPC.  I phoned the Brandon animal control number which ( I hadn't noticed) takes you to the police non-emergency number.  I ended up voicing my concerns.

That # is 1-204-729-2345, but I wish I'd had a direct number.  There is an email address, but I didn't send anything to them. 


--- Quote from: Rapidcitymbfan on March 27, 2011, 12:09 ---No blanks!!  Rose heard the shots hitting the glass window and saw him pick up the dead pigeons he shot.  >:(
--- End quote ---

OMG!!! :o Why is he doing that?! :o Doesn't he know that there is a peregrine falcon nestbox on the side of the building?! :o No wonder you aren't seeing any peregrine falcons!!!  ::) :P I sure hope this doesn't compromise the location of this nestbox!  >:( Do you think this is because construction is about to begin on the McKenzie Seed Bldg. in order to convert it into condos? ??? Do you think the developer authorized this action? ??? >:(


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