Author Topic: McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / Brooklyn & Hurricane  (Read 399102 times)

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Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #835 on: June 09, 2011, 14:49 »
Mom got the drumstick at this feeding........ Oh wait a minute, she gets all the drumsticks.

After the kids were fed, Brooklyn brought more food and there was a little bit of a tug-a-war.

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #834 on: June 09, 2011, 14:04 »
Hurricane got up and left but came right back, maybe she was putting her order in for an afternoon snack.

Offline Kinderchick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #833 on: June 09, 2011, 13:24 »
Does anyone know if the "little lost chick" been removed from the nestbox yet? :-\

Offline bev.

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #832 on: June 09, 2011, 12:22 »
Glad the weather has smartened up a bit for this site.

Talons are crossed that all goes well now.

Offline Rose

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #831 on: June 09, 2011, 10:34 »
10:25 another feeding these kids are gonna bust!! Their crops are so full I don't think anything else can go in ::)

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #830 on: June 09, 2011, 10:15 »
I know we see Hurricane feeding the little ones, but we should give Brooklyn lots and lots of credit.  He's the provider who has been supplying the food for Mom, the chicks and himself.   :-*

Offline Rose

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #829 on: June 09, 2011, 09:55 »
The present nest box has served many generations of falcon families with many ,many chicks fledging sucessfully. In 2009 there were 4 healthy chicks raised(Zeus and Hurricane parents). Rcf and I watched them many mornings when they were getting ready to fledge. there would be 3 on the nest roof wingersizing and the other on the east nest ledge waiting his/her turn sure looked like a tight fit but they never fell off.Sometimes when we would go three would be sleeping and sunning on the nest box roof.We didn't have a camera then so missed some really stunning photos.I can't see that any bigger nest size or roof configuration  would be better. It was amazing to see the chicks half fly ,half jump from the perch bar to the nest roof and never make a miss. ;D
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 16:06 by Rose »

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #828 on: June 09, 2011, 09:37 »
They also had a meal at around 9:10.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #827 on: June 09, 2011, 09:23 »
0920 hrs

Have switched to the box cam because the windowcam has some glare from the sun at the moment or a bit of lingering condensation - hopefully it will move/burn off shortly.

The chicks have had two meals already today - one before 0500h and the next just after 0700h.

You can sure tell the sun is warmer today in the nestbox, Hurricane hasn't been tucked tight down on the chicks for the last little while.  And after feeding number 1, she had her head tucked under her wing for a serious sleep.  She's been napping on/off since then.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #826 on: June 09, 2011, 09:20 »
Could a new box be in order with a partial roof .......I will donate for sure

This box has a partial roof but the winds have been northeasterly alot this spring which means it blows right into the nestbox.  When you look at RCF's photos you are looking from the north - so the brick wall is on the west side of the box, the wooden wall at the end is on the south side and the open sides are north and east.  The design is specific for the building.  The box is on the east side of the buildind so that we can access it from the roof - the north, south and west side of the building has not lower roof, not access, no nothing so the east side is the only side we could choose.  The wooden wall on the south and the partial roof on the south end of the box were chosen to help protect the chicks from the sun and provide some protection from the rain.  Because of the size of the box, two sides needed to be "open" to give the birds and chicks access/egress - and looking north is the river, looking east is their favourite tower.  The box is installed on the side of the wall so there are size limitations.  And that is why there is a partial roof (watch as the adults enter/leave the box) and to provide up to 4 chicks with wingercizing room and the ability to hop up on the roof as they get more independent - the roof is the Brandon chicks' equivalent of the long narrow ledge beside the Radisson nestbox.  In addition to the lumber that makes up the box, there is about 30 lbs of gravel in the box and the supports need to be able to support the box, gravel, birds in the summer and snow in the winter.  And we can't make the box out of lighter materials as it needs to be able to stand up to bad weather and last year-round to exposure for a few years without coming apart and injuring the birds when the nest in it or injuring someone working on the building. 

So lots of considerations, but we have some ideas ...  ;)

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #825 on: June 09, 2011, 08:47 »
I'll just do my yoga while we're waiting for Dad to bring brunch.

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #824 on: June 09, 2011, 08:28 »
Screen capture from yesterday morning, they are sure growing, one looks much bigger than other.

Offline RCF

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #823 on: June 09, 2011, 08:16 »
Something seems to have piqued her interest.  I'm inclined to think it's not Brooklyn, she usually talks when he's flying by........probably just pigeons.

Offline Mother Hen

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #822 on: June 09, 2011, 07:05 »
Could a new box be in order with a partial roof .......I will donate for sure

Offline bccs

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McKenzie Seeds - 2011 / June
« Reply #821 on: June 09, 2011, 05:09 »
I'll try posting the picture again later.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 07:03 by bccs »