Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules

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Interesting  ???
Well some new photos have been added.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 03, 2011, 10:09 ---We haven't been able to access the site we suspect they are using but when we do, our plan is to set up a camera to keep an eye on them again this year.  And yes, we do have all the tech prepped and ready to go. 

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... We are ?

Do you know something I don't ?

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Moonstar on May 03, 2011, 09:58 ---TPC do you have a camera at this site this year.  Last year you could watch it, right?  Any word on where or if they have decided to nest this year?

--- End quote ---

We don't actually even know if they have chosen a site, won't know until we can see if they have started laying.  We haven't been able to access the site we suspect they are using but when we do, our plan is to set up a camera to keep an eye on them again this year.  And yes, we do have all the tech prepped and ready to go.  But we must wait until we can actually check out the site.  Just a logistical glitch at the moment, when we get it sorted, we'll be able to get up there and then things should tick along quickly.  We think they are on the same time line as the Brandon birds and they have just started incubating.  We know that the WW birds haven't started incubating so we still have 1 month+ before hatching.  And the delay is not criticial just annoying.  If they are laying, better to leave them to it.  If they were incubating the chances of them abandonning the site because we visit it is low, in part because they are committed at that point and in part because we won't be staying long.  So annoying because we don't know for sure what they are doing and where they are doing it, or at least not yet. 

So its just plan and be ready to go when we need to go.

TPC do you have a camera at this site this year.  Last year you could watch it, right?  Any word on where or if they have decided to nest this year?

The Peregrine Chick:
West Winnipeg birds may have started to lay but have not started to incubate.  We are having difficulty accessing the site at the moment but hopefully this week we will be able to get a clear look at the nestsite.

Both birds are fine and doing all the things a peregrine does in the spring  ;)

More news as we have it


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