Hopefully they can go back to their 2010 location...
I have a feeling they won't be back at their 2010 location next year. Construction will still be underway, I think. Am I correct, in remembering that you had said that, at one time, TPC?
It is too bad, though, since from what I've heard, that seemed to be a good location.
I'd forgotten about that. Any good alternate locations in the area, TPC?
Last I heard the 2010 location would still be having external repairs, but that was a couple of months ago and I noticed a few days ago that there is a second "lift" working so perhaps they will be done sooner than we thought. But I still don't know if that will be in time for next year. And we are going to see about ensuring that Jules can't go back to her 2011 site to nest - to visit after she's nested will be fine, but not to nest ...
As for alternate sites, where we moved Polo too will hopefully be a possibility for them, both the adults have been to/in the box over the summer, Jules was there a couple of days ago (sitting beside it, not in it) and it would make a great site. We have been eye-balling another possibility but we will need to talk to the management company but it's a possibility, even if just for the short-term until we can (hopefully) get back on the 2010 site.
Ultimately, it will all be decided upon by the birds - either they will use the site or find somewhere else.