Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules

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Beautiful picture of Polo. Thank you Dennis.

Dennis: beautiful, as always. :)

Another heartbreaking end for one of our little feathered friends.  :'( Hope Polo and Fyfe are flying high together and that Polo's parents come back next year to try again.

 :( So hard to believe that yet another falcon has perished. Polo was such a beautiful bird as the photo Dennis has captured will attest. For all of us, it feels as though we have lost a child. Beau and Jules tried so very hard to protect our solo Polo, but kids have a mind of their own and Polo felt it was time for him to become adventurous. So very sad....... :'( :'( :'(

Such a beautiful picture, Dennis -- hard to believe this is the same little guy in the banding photos!


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