For some reason I think this conversation is more than likely going to be moved elsewhere.
Ha, watch me bring it back on topic.
We love the birdies and have their best interests at heart. The more people that join the forum and are able to read the inside workings of it and the members, the better.
There is a huge amount of information available to members, via other members, that cannot be accessed by non-members. I encourage all to join up, we've become somewhat of a family, we love the birds and we take joy in each other.
Hello bccs, It is wonderful to see you and the forum posting. Have you a box in place for when the chicks fledge? If a chick needs your help, will you peek into the box OR will you "pee into the box"? LOL So very glad to see the forum is ready. Talk soon? GCG

My husband is lurking daily. I am trying to get him to sign on and post. His main topic of discussion to others is the falcons. Help please!
Heya there GCG, breaks are needed now and then, but it's all sailing smoothly right now.
Yup, have boxes, blankets and the downtowners are ready to jump into action at a moments notice.
You have no idea what a great bunch they are, so very, very lucky to know them and call them my friends. That being said, tons of room for more, come and join us, you won't be disappointed. Lunch on Portage is a blast.
Yo, boy guy, there's a couple of other male species on the forum and they love being one of the girls. Mr. gcg, get off your backside and join in, you will not be disappointed.
( think that'll work gcg?)
Bot, a feeding going on right now, at the north west side of the box. Don't see much but a bunch of butts.... hee hee hee
ps, no more peeing in the box, I'll never live that down sigh.