Just got back from a very exciting evening of fledgewatching with Jazzerkins and des.

We were able to watch Cade on the Air Canada Bldg. from the top of the parkade that I now refer to as "Fyfe's Parkade". After about an hour, we had a little chuckle as Cade began to spread his wings and walk to the edge of the AC roof, almost as if he were attempting to balance on a tight rope.

Moments later he spread his wings again and we tracked him with our binocs as he flew across the street to the Roger's Bldg. After Jazz spoke with TPC on the phone, we then decided to go down to the street level and crossed over, where we had an excellent view of him on the front of the Roger's Bldg. And of course, we knew that he was chowing down on a delicious meal that had been prepared by Ivy when some tail feathers came flying through the air and landed right at our feet, just as we were passing in front of the Roger's Bldg.

A minute sooner and the tail feathers might have landed on one of our heads!

LOL! When we left, it looked as if Cade was slowly working his way to the other side of the Roger's Bldg., where he could clearly see his sister, Beatrix. So maybe he'll eventually find his way back to the nestbox.