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Uploading Photos
Sounds good to me
Sounds good to me.
The Peregrine Chick:
Okay ... lets try this again shall we folks ...
What do you all think of:
Tues (12th, 8-9pm) for the first session to help folks decide what to look for in a photo-sharing site
Thurs (14th, 8-9pm) to walk through actual posting examples from services already used by members here which hopefully will help folks who already have a service but who are having problems posting (or viewing) and coudl help folks look for a service to choose one that meets their needs.
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 07, 2011, 22:00 ---...We can reschedule for tomorrow night (Friday) or we can choose an evening next week that works for everyone...
--- End quote ---
An evening sometime next week would be better for me, TPC. As far as I know right now, any evening would work, I think. :)
I'm on call Friday and Saturday but unlikely to be called in for the evening so I'm available anytime really.
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