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Testing - Posting Photos

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This is a test of a WW bird on April 23, 2012.

I think this is going to work!

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Jo on June 30, 2011, 20:48 ---Thanks for the feedback Kinderchick - I've looked at the instructions before - but just hadn't actually taken the time to sit down and focus. It was not as difficult as I had anticipated.

--- End quote ---

Nicely done Jo - and I'm sure there will be more photos in your gallery soon!  :D

Thanks for the feedback Kinderchick - I've looked at the instructions before - but just hadn't actually taken the time to sit down and focus. It was not as difficult as I had anticipated.

Congrats, Jo, it worked! :D And I saw all 2 of your photos in your album! 8)

Testing posting a pic with link to album (even though there are only 2pics in the album right now ;)

Thanks Tracy!


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